Here are the Analysis part in the Analysis part I need to answer my first question in detailed way.
How can I become famous on YouTube? Why do I want that? How can I become famous on YouTube?
To be a YouTube Celebrity, you need to make funny videos. I want to be famous on Youtube so I can be recognized. One of the best ways to make your video viral is Act Stupid, Funny. The reason that a YouTuber acts stupid is to make himself look funny. If you are not funny on YouTube, who is going to watch your video? People don’t want to watch some random guy just talking to the camera and talking about his life that is exciting to him but definitely boring to others. That is why we need to do stupid and crazy things to make people watch our video again and again.
The other thing is to be creative. The reason that we need to have a good imagination and wide creativity to make a video. We need to be wild to make our video famous. Videos should attract a lot of attraction. People will not spread word about a lame video. But some videos can be so bad that they can get a lot of views like Rebecca Black (Friday). It has a lot of dislikes but she got a lot of views from that.
One of the reason that I want to be famous is so I get recognized. The reason I want to be recognized by people is because I want to be famous. I want people to keep watching our video. I want people to subscribe to our channel. I want our channel to be viral like Nigahiga’s videos. I also want to be recognized so there is a possibility that I can make money from our videos. Advertising agencies might want our services in making videos. This is a very excellent way to make money.
Can you describe some problems that you had when completing your tasks for this project? What did you do to try to solve them?
This video is me having interview with my teacher about my topic ( YouTube celebrity ) I needed to choose a question. The question that I choose is Can you describe some problems that you had when completing your tasks for this project? What did you do to try to solve them?